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Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM


The Powers and duties of a County Administrator are outlined in South Carolina Legislation.  It states:

SECTION 4 9 630. Powers and duties of administrator.

The powers and duties of the administrator shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 

(1) to serve as the chief administrative officer of the county government; 

(2) to execute the policies, directives and legislative actions of the council; 

(3) to direct and coordinate operational agencies and administrative activities of the county government; 

(4) to prepare annual operating and capital improvement budgets for submission to the council and in the exercise of these responsibilities he shall be empowered to require such reports, estimates and statistics on an annual or periodic basis as he deems necessary from all county departments and agencies; 

(5) to supervise the expenditure of appropriated funds; 
(6) to prepare annual, monthly and other reports for council on finances and administrative activities of the county; 
(7) to be responsible for the administration of county personnel policies including salary and classification plans approved by council; 
(8) to be responsible for employment and discharge of personnel subject to the provisions of subsection (7) of Section 4 9 30 and subject to the appropriation of funds by the council for that purpose;  and 

(9) to perform such other duties as may be required by the council.


HISTORY:  1962 Code Section 14 3742;  1975 (59) 692.

SECTION 4 9 650. Authority of administrator over certain elected officials. 

With the exception of organizational policies established by the governing body, the county administrator shall exercise no authority over any elected officials of the county whose offices were created either by the Constitution or by the general law of the State.


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