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Lexington County Administrative offices will resume normal operations at 10:00 am, Thursday 01/23/2025.

Homeownership Assistance

Homebuyer Assistance Program 

Funding for the program is provided through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program. This program will provide qualified low- and moderate-income (LMI) *first-time homebuyers with down payment and/or closing cost assistance.  Assistance will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis in amounts not to exceed $5,000 per applicant.  Qualifying homebuyers must be employed, provide requested income documentation, and must participate in the County's Affordable Housing Counseling and Education Program.Home owner

The funds will be granted to eligible applicants as a deferred forgivable loan, which requires pro-rated repayment if the occupant sells the house or no longer occupies the house as their primary residence within five (5) years of the grant award.  All loan policies are subject to HOME Investment Partnerships regulations.

*According to the IRS, a first-time homebuyer is any individual (or spouse, if married) who had no present ownership interest in a qualifying principal residence during the three-year period ending on the date of the purchase of the principal residence.


General eligibility requirements to receive assistance for this  program are:

  • The applicant must purchase a home within the County of Lexington (Batesburg, Batesburg-Leesville, Cayce, Chapin, Gaston, Gilbert, Irmo, Leesville, Lexington, Oak Grove, Pelion, Pine Ridge, Red Bank, Seven Oaks, South Congaree, Springdale, Summit, Swansea, or West Columbia).
  • The applicant must be able to qualify for a home mortgage independent of a co-signer.  The mortgage must be a fixed rate mortgage.
  • The County of Lexington must maintain 2nd lien position.
  • The applicant must occupy the property as their primary/principal residence.
  • The applicant cannot presently own a home or land, nor have previously owned a home or land within the last three (3) years.
  • The applicant must participate in the required homeownership classes.
  • Funds provided through the program are to be used for units that do not exceed the HUD Single Family Mortgage Limits. Currently, for the County of Lexington, the sales price for a single-family dwelling cannot exceed $233,000 for an existing home or $295,000 for a new home (95% of the median area’s purchase) to qualify for assistance.
  • The property must appraise for at least the purchase price.
  • The property selected must be built after 1977.
  • The property selected for purchase must meet, at a minimum, Section 8 Housing Quality Standards (HQS). The County of Lexington will have a professional inspector examine all homes to determine compliance with quality standards.
  • The applicant must meet the income eligible requirements as established by HUD (see chart below).
Homeowners Assistance

Number of Persons in Household

Maximum Allowable Income



2 $55,600
3 $62,550
4 $69,500
5 $75,100
6 $80,650
7 $86,200
8 $91,750

Source:  US Department of Housing & Urban Development.  Figures on this chart are subject to change without notice, as calculated by HUD.

If you are interested in applying for assistance through the Homeownership Assistance Program or have questions, please contact the Community Development Department Grant Programs Division at (803) 785-8121 or via e-mail at