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Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM


The Lexington County Fire Service was established in 1974 Fire Truckby County Council to provide fire protection to all residents of Lexington County. Assigned as a division of Emergency Services, this service reports to the County Administrator. A fire advisory board was also established to advise the Fire Chief, County Administrator and County Council on the operations and needs of the Fire Service. This service provides fire protection to all areas of Lexington County except the Fire Truckmunicipalities of Cayce, West Columbia, Batesburg, Leesville and Irmo. However, agreements do exist with these entities to provide protection to areas adjacent to their jurisdiction.


Prior to the organization of this Fire Service, fire departments existed in the towns of Lexington, Swansea, South Congaree, Chapin, Batesburg,Leesville, Cayce, West Columbia, and the fire districts of Gilbert, Irmo  and Lake Murray. Drawing on this support, the County organized the countywide service and began operating the stations in Lexington, Swansea, South Congaree, Chapin and the three fire districts Lake Murray, Gilbert and Irmo. In addition to operating these stations, ten additional fire stations were constructed over the next few years. The number of stations remained the same until 1994 when four additional stations were added,  two in the Chapin area and two in the Lexington area. In 2001 the 21st stationFire Truck was constructed in the Samaria Community near Interstate 20 and Highway 178. The most recent fire stations were constructed near Corley Mill Road, the Cedar Grove community and one in the Fish Hatchery Road area. In 2019, our 25th station was constructed in the Industrial Park off Highway 321.  With the addition of these stations, 99.7 percent of all Lexington County properties are within five miles of a fire station.

 Fire Truck

Today, there are 25 Lexington County Fire Stations with a career staff of 265 personnel, and a volunteer staff of 40 members. The Fire Service has a fleet of 91 vehicles and a Headquarters facility located adjacent to the Fire Training Center on Ball Park Road.